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When Will be Corona-virus end and when social distancing will be end ?

When Corona virus will be over ?

This the biggest question nowadays and everyone is saying when coronavirus will be over and when will be living back on track.

As we know everything is closed down because of this especially Gym, Spa, Yoga center, and people are waiting for all this thing, some people are doing protest against the government, they want gym another center should be open. 

Even schools, colleges and any other institutions are also closed, and it's necessary to close all this thing because if we take the example of the gym.

In the gym most of the people do get together at the same time it could be 20 or 30 many more. and they are using the same equipment and anyone does not know, any other person does have any symptoms or not.

1) Drug / Medicine 

As we know right now we don't have a proper drug or medicine for coronavirus treatment. there is a lot of doing research for a vaccine. 

As we know science does not have an answer against this virus. if we found the treatment so it will be good and doctors can treat the patient fast.

2) Vaccine ( Biggest Question)

As we now right now science is doing research for the vaccine, if we got the vaccine so coronavirus will be not hit our body and our immunity system. after that we can do all the things we can go to a crowded area, we can go to clubs, the gym, etc.

The biggest question is when will be the vaccine come in the market?

As we know all the countries started to experiment for the vaccine in march 20 so it can take 12 to 20 months for the vaccine to come in the market. so, this is a long period of time. so, people think so we need to stay in our homes till now in lockdown we can not do anything.

Yes, we can do something, the government will open few things with a new guideline as we know in Delhi, India yesterday few things are open with new guidelines like people can go offices, they can travel on a bus with only 20 passengers and many more things.

But the most import thing we don't need to forget which is social distancing

As we know this is the most important thing we need to do as per government guidelines we need to maintain 3 to 4 feet of distance with any other person and it mandatory to wear the mask and it will be good sanitize and wash your hand on a frequent basis. 

Avoid to do shake hands, hugs, or eat from one plate if anyone has a cough, cold or fever so maintain distance and tell them to proper care.

When the office will be open they need to maintain social distancing which is mandatory, we have seen in India most of the people don't follow social distancing which is very bad because it is not good for you as well as for another person. 

As we saw in India number of cases are increasing on a rapid basis because testing is increasing and result come fast.

we hope the vaccine will come in 2 to 3 months because most of the vaccines are in trial.

I urge to the people please maintain the social distancing its good for you and will take time to get our life in track. 

Government officials doing a  daily update regarding the coronavirus and vaccine stage there is any development or not.

Our government try to help all the cases like for farmers and labor class, government providing food for homeless and under privilege people. 

The government provide money to help the people which is very good so, it's our duty also to maintain a social distancing and follow the government's new rules and regulations which are for some time till the vaccine will not come.



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